Restaurant staff are the frontline workers of hospitality: they are in contact with customers, each other, and other workers regularly, and their health and safety is essential to the success of all industry operations and to ensuring an industry-leading, safe guest experience. Training will be ongoing to enhance health and safety precautions, and to educate staff on how to protect themselves, as well as what is expected of them in terms of their responsibilities to the business and public well-being. Our industry operates within a strong regulatory framework that has always put food and guest safety at the forefront. Refreshing staff on existing health and safety protocols combined with training on the new normal will ensure that we exceed guest expectations and achieve enhanced public and employee safety.
The safety and well-being of our guests and employees is our number one priority. As such, we are following government and WorkSafe BC guidelines, taking additional measures to keep you safe. Stringent protocols have been implemented and are outlined below, as in accordance with BC's Restart Plan:
All dine-in guests must wear masks whenever not at their table.
Guests will be offered hand sanitizer prior to entering, and will wait to be seated.
Hand sanitizer stations are available throughout the restaurant for guest use.
All guest table and chair surfaces will be disinfected thoroughly between uses.
Hygiene protocol training has been implemented for all employees.
All employees have a mandatory health check pre-shift.
All employees will wear masks, and all employees will follow strict hygiene protocol at all times.
In common spaces such as waiting areas, guests are asked to maintain a physical distance of 6 feet between themselves and others.
Groups will be seated 6 feet apart or with a physical barrier between tables.
A maximum of 6 people will be sat per table, and guests are asked to remain at their table, with the exception of using the washroom, or to go outside.
Washrooms and multi-touch surfaces, such as door handles, are sanitized frequently.
Menus are sanitized after every use, and are also available on our website at
We are operating in a reduced capacity, in accordance with provincial occupancy guidelines.
Any guest exhibiting COVID-19 related symptoms will be asked to return when they are well.
While there are already existing public health guidelines and protocols around cleaning and sanitation, a heightened vigilance and accountability is critical to preventing the spread of COVID-19. Adhering to existing cleaning and sanitizing protocols, while increasing transparency, accountability, and frequency of cleaning procedures are essential to keeping everyone safe.
All staff working will compete and sign a simple one time health check declaration form that states that they agree not to come to work if:
• They have any symptoms of COVID-19 including fever, cough, shortness of breath:
• Have been in contact with COVID-19; and/or
• Have travelled and are currently subject to 14-day quarantine.
Management has posted a province-wide medical resource list for staff that includes:
• Numbers and websites for key medical, mental health, and bullying resources and
• Approved sources for COVID-19 information.
The Joint Health and Safety Committee will ensure best practices are being adhered to and education materials are shared.
Operators and staff may reserve the right to refuse service to any guest if they display symptoms of illness in order to protect their staff and other guests, similar to refusal to serve intoxicated individuals.
All staff have daily health checks in the form of mandatory temperature checks. Anyone with a fever of 37.8 degrees or higher, or other respiratory symptoms will be sent home, and will follow up with healthcare providers.
We have increased the use of physical barriers to separate guests and staff wherever possible.
We have outlined and posted the process for deliveries that ensures reduced risk.
We have reduced the number of items that remain on tables, including salt and pepper shakers, table menus, and candles. These will be sanitized between uses.
We have increased the use of sanitizing stations and encourage all guests to use hand sanitizer upon entering the facility.
Best practices in this section focus on increased accountability and transparency and creating awareness for existing protocols. We have:
Posted hand-washing protocols:
• Standard signage for hand-washing protocols posted at every kitchen hand-wash station and in every bathroom.
Posted cleaning schedules that:
• Indicate the frequency of cleaning and sanitization of common places (door handles, front of house counters, bathrooms).
• Are managed by a visible cleaning log denoting date, time and person - posted in or near washroom.
Used approved cleaning methods:
• Cleaning products and methods used are certified by Health Canada and the British Columbia Ministry of Health.
Displayed nightly closeout procedure clearly in an obvious location in the kitchen.
Documented kitchen sanitation procedures showing the correct usage of sanitation products.
Committed to enhanced protocols for handling dirty dishes:
• Staff members doing dishes are mandated to wear masks (cloth uniform style or disposable PPE) and gloves (dishwashing gloves are suitable).
• The Ministry of Health guidelines for when to change PPE will be posted in the dishwashing area.
• In the event a server must clear dishes, they should use hand sanitizer or wash hands between clearing and serving another table.
• Clearing trays should be sanitized between uses.
Physical distancing is the most critical component of the fight against COVID-19. Actions that we will continue to implement to achieve a successful and safe approach include:
Spacing between tables and chairs to observe physical distancing requirements:
• Tables shall be arranged such that the distance from the back of one chair to the back of another chair shall be 6 feet apart.
Parties will be limited to no more than 6 people per group to enforce physical distancing.
Patrons must be assigned to a table and shown to their seats. There can be no circulating of patrons between tables or in common areas.
There must be adequate seating for all patrons on the premises at any one time, and there will be a sufficient number of staff to ensure that patrons remain seated, except to use the washroom or leave the premises.
There will be no walk-up bar service for liquor. Liquor is to be ordered and served at the patron’s seat and only served to seated patrons.
Physical distancing signage and floor markers are posted.
Preventing guests from lingering in physical waiting areas. Operators and staff will take steps to prevent congregation outside of the premises, reduce line ups and promote physical distancing if line ups do occur:
• Encourage external waiting, while keeping the sidewalk clear and maintaining 6 feet distance.
Reduced bar service seating: To allow for physical distancing, bar and counter seats must allow 6 feet between parties or bar seating must be closed. Maintaining 3ft between the bar staff and the guest with a physical barrier.
Patrons must not sing or dance on the premises. If background music is provided, in addition to 6ft spacing, a barrier will be provided between performers.
There will be no ‘events’ held on the premises, except in the case of a live performance for background music.